Download the code hdisk.c by clicking
here. This code simulates disks confined
to a circle. The Hamiltonian for this system may be expressed as
(85) |
(86) |
(87) |
acts to keep the particles confined, and prevents them from overlapping. One nice thing about using hard-disk Hamiltonians is that there is never a reason to evaluate a Boltzmann factor. Any trial move that results in an overlap or a particle crossing the boundary gives an ``infinite'' , so is identically 0 and the trial is unconditionally rejected.
hdisk.c accepts as user input any two of the following three
parameters: , the radius of the circle; , the areal number
density of particles (# per square ); and , the number of
particles. The user may also specify , the scalar
displacement, and nCycle, the number of MC cycles, where
one cycle is attempted particle displacements. The only output
of the code currently is the acceptance ratio:
One important aspect of any MC simulation code is how the particle positions are initialized. Here, it is best to assign initial positions to the particles such that the initial energy is 0 (i.e., there are no overlaps nor particles out of bounds.) Try to figure out how the function init() in the program hdisk.c accomplishes this.
As a suggested further exercise, use hdisk.c to determine a reasonable displacement to achieve a 30% acceptance ratio at a density of 0.5. Compare your results across differently sized systems and runs with different numbers of cycles. For fewer than 10 cycles, you will have large acceptance ratios because the initial condition is not yet fully destroyed.
Below is a plot of acceptance ratio vs. for densities of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, from a simulations of 200 particles. 10,000 cycles were performed for each run. Are your results consistent with this data?