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Thermodynamic Integration

Thermodynamic integration is a conceptually simple, albeit expensive, way to calculate free energy differences from MC or MD simulations. In this example, we will consider the calculation (again) of chemical potential in a Lennard-Jones fluid at a given temperature and density, a task performed very well already by the Widom method (so long as the densities are not too high.) More details of the method can be found in Reference [15].

We begin with the relation derived in the book for a free energy difference, $F_{II} - F_{I}$, between two systems which are identical (same number of particles, density, temperature, etc.) except that they obey two different potentials. System I obeys $\mathscr{U}_I$ and System II $\mathscr{U}_{II}$. To measure this free energy difference, we must integrate along a reversible path from I to II. So let us suppose that we can write a ``metapotential'' that uses a switching parameter, $\lambda $, to measure distance along this path. So, when $\lambda = 0$, we are in System I, and when $\lambda = 1$ we are in System II. One way we might encode this (though this is not necessarily a general splitting, as we shall see below) is

\mathscr{U}\left(\lambda\right) = \left(1-\lambda\right)\mathscr{U}_{I} + \lambda\mathscr{U}_{II}
\end{displaymath} (210)

Let us consider the canonical partition function for a system obeying a general potential $\mathscr{U}\left(\lambda\right)$:

Q\left(N,V,T,\lambda\right) = \frac{1}{\Lambda^{3N}N!}\int d{\bf r}^N\exp\left[-\beta\mathscr{U}\left(\lambda\right)\right]
\end{displaymath} (211)

Recalling that the free energy is given by $F = -k_BT\ln Q$, we can express the derivative of the Helmholtz free energy with respect to $\lambda $:
$\displaystyle \left(\frac{\partial F\left(\lambda\right)}{\partial\lambda}\right)_{N,V,T}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -\frac{1}{\beta}\frac{\partial}{\partial\lambda}\ln Q\left(N,V,T,\lambda\right)$ (212)
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -\frac{1}{\beta Q\left(N,V,T,\lambda\right)}\frac{\partial Q\left(N,V,T,\lambda\right)}{\partial\lambda}$ (213)
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{
\int d{\bf r}^N ...
\end{displaymath}\end{minipage}}$ (214)

The free energy difference between I and II is given by:

F_{II} - F{I} = \int_{\lambda=0}^{\lambda=1}\left<\frac{\partial\mathscr{U}}{\partial\lambda}\right>_\lambda d\lambda
\end{displaymath} (215)

where, $\left<\frac{\partial\mathscr{U}}{\partial\lambda}\right>_\lambda$ is the ensemble average of the derivative of $\mathscr{U}$ with respect to $\lambda $.

To compute $\mu_{\rm ex}$, we imagine two systems: System I has $N-1$ ``real'' particles, and 1 ideal gas particle, and system II has $N$ real particles. The two free energies can be written:

$\displaystyle F_{\rm I}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle F_{\rm id}\left(N,V,T\right) + F_{\rm ex}\left(N-1,V,T\right)$ (216)
$\displaystyle F_{\rm II}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle F_{\rm id}\left(N,V,T\right) + F_{\rm ex}\left(N,V,T\right)$ (217)

For large values of $N$, we see that $\mu_{\rm ex} = F_{\rm II} -
F_{\rm I}$. So, we have another route to compute $\mu_{\rm ex}$. First, we tag a particle $i_\lambda$, call it the ``$\lambda $-particle'', and apply the following modified potential to its pairwise interactions:

U_{\rm LJ,\lambda}\left(r;\lambda\right) =
4\left(\lambda^5r^{-12} - \lambda^3r^{-6}\right)
\end{displaymath} (218)

So, the total potential is given by
\mathscr{U} = {\sum_{i<j}} ^\prime U_{\rm LJ}\left(r_{ij}\ri...
... \sum_i U_{\rm LJ,\lambda}\left(r_{i,i_\lambda};\lambda\right)
\end{displaymath} (219)

where the prime denotes that we ignore particle $i_\lambda$ in the sum. When $\lambda = 1$, all particles interact fully, and we have System II.

Next, we conduct many independent MC simulations at various values of $\lambda $ and a given value of $rho$ and $T$, generating for each $\left(T,\rho\right)$ a table of $\left<\partial\mathscr{U}/\partial\lambda\right>_\lambda$ vs. $\lambda $ which can be integrated to yield a single value for $\mu_{\rm ex}$. This turns out to be an expensive way to compute the chemical potential for a Lennard-Jones fluid, compared to the Widom method (Sec. 6.1), for at least low to moderate densities.

I have done a rough comparison of the thermodynamic integration method described above to the grand canonical MC simulation technique described in Sec. 5.1. Below is a plot of $\left<\partial\mathscr{U}/\partial\lambda\right>_\lambda$ vs. $\lambda $ for three densities $\rho \in \left\{0.5, 0.7,
0.9\right\}$. Each point is computed from a single MC simulation using the code mclj_ti.c. The temperature was $T$ = 2.0, and run for 10$^6$ cycles for $N$ = 216. We see that the data is not terribly smooth; it is not clear how many more cycles would result in smoother data.

$\left<\partial\mathscr{U}/\partial\lambda\right>_\lambda$ vs. $\lambda $ for the Lennard-Jones fluid for three values of $rho$ at $T$ = 2.0, computed from MC simulations of 216 particles for 10$^6$ cycles.
However, integration is not too sensitive to these fluctuations. As we see below, integrating each of these curves to produce a single value of $\mu_{\rm ex}$ produces values that are not too off from the grand canonical simulations.

$\left<\partial\mathscr{U}/\partial\lambda\right>_\lambda$ vs. $\lambda $ for the Lennard-Jones fluid for three values of $rho$ at $T$ = 2.0, computed from MC simulations of 216 particles for 10$^6$ cycles.
The grand canonical simulations are of course much cheaper, as it requires only a single MC simulation to give a value of $\mu_{\rm ex}$. However, thermodynamic integration is a generally applicable technique for computing free energy differences.


  1. Can we make the agreement better by running more MC cycles? How about by using more values of $\lambda $?
  2. How does this compare to the Widom method?

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