Bond-Order Potentials

Bond-order potentials aim to capture the effect of the nearest-neighbor environment on the behavior of any bond. Such potentials began with the work of Abell [30]. Here I only very lightly gloss over this very deep field of research. In the bond-order formalism, the total potential energy due to covalent bonds is:

$\displaystyle U = \sum_i{\sum_{j>i} {\phi_{ij}}},$ (276)

where the bond energy $ \phi_{ij}$ between atoms $ i$ and $ j$ has repulsive and attractive components:

$\displaystyle \phi_{ij} = V_R(r_{ij}) - \overline{b}_{ij}V_A(r_{ij}) ,$ (277)

where $ V_R$ and $ V_A$ are Morse-type pair potentials:

$\displaystyle V_R(r_{ij}) = f_{ij}(r_{ij})A_{ij}\exp(-\lambda_{ij}r_{ij}) {\rm\hspace{5mm} and}$ (278)

$\displaystyle V_A(r_{ij}) = f_{ij}(r_{ij})B_{ij}\exp(-\mu_{ij}r_{ij})$ (279)

Here, $ r_{ij}$ is the scalar separation between atoms $ i$ and $ j$. $ A_{ij}$, $ B_{ij}$, $ \lambda_{ij}$, and $ \mu_{ij}$ are all parameters specific to the two elements participating in the bond. (I use the following $ ij$-subscript convention: when $ ij$ appears on a variable, $ i$ and $ j$ refer to the individual atom indices; when $ ij$ appears on a parameter or function, $ i$ and $ j$ are specific only to the elements of atoms $ i$ and $ j$.) The cutoff function $ f_{ij}$ decays smoothly from 1 at some “inner” radius to 0 at some “outer” radius.

The bond order $ \overline{b_{ij}}$ models all of the many-body chemistry:

$\displaystyle \overline{b_{ij}} = {1\over2} \left[b_{ij}+b_{ji}+\mbox{corrections}\right],$ (280)

where $ b_{ij}$ is the contribution of atoms that neighbor atom $ i$ to the bond order of the $ ij$ bond. These involve complicated 3- and 4-body interactions. The corrections arise from the need to expand set of thermochemical data which the potentials are fit against.

Bond-order potentials first applied to metals, but expanded into silicon and hydrocarbons with the work of and Tersoff [31]and Brenner [32], respectively, producing what is called the “reactive empirical bond order potential (REBO). The more recent adaptive intermolecular reactive empirical bond-order (AIREBO) potential combines REBO with Lennard-Jones interactions and specific torsional potentials for better modeling of hydrocarbon chains. [33]

Polarizable versions of reactive potentials have also been developed. The charge-optimized many-body (COMB) potential is an extension of REBO in which the charge on each atom is allowed to change according to energies dictated by input parameters such as atom electronegativity. [34] Adding oxygen to the AIREBO hydrocarbon potential also necessitated including polarizability, leading to the qAIREBO potential. [35]