Running the code

The code mdlj.c was run on 108 particles with positions initialized on a simple cubic lattice at a density $ \rho $ = 0.8442 and temperature (specified by velocity assignment and scaling) initially set at $ T$ = 0.728. A single run of 600,000 time steps was performed, which took about 2 minutes on my laptop. (This is almost 10$ ^6$ particle-updates per second; not bad for a laptop running a silly $ N^2$ pair search, but it's only for $\sim$ 100 particles...the same algorithm applied to 10,000 would be slower.) The commands I issued looked like:

$ mkdir md_cs2
$ cd md_cs2
$ ../mdlj -N 108 -fs 1000 -ns 600000 -rho 0.8442 -T0 0.728 -rc 2.5 -traj -prog 100 >& 1.out &
$ tail -f 1.out
468900 468.90000 -475.45590 242.36056 -233.09534 -2.79034e-04 1.49605 5.43064
469000 469.00000 -475.67663 242.58353 -233.09310 -2.88639e-04 1.49743 5.11914
469100 469.10000 -477.58731 244.49557 -233.09175 -2.94452e-04 1.50923 4.88396
469200 469.20000 -457.41152 224.32176 -233.08975 -3.02989e-04 1.38470 5.82717
469300 469.30000 -492.03036 258.93556 -233.09481 -2.81326e-04 1.59837 4.82093
469400 469.40000 -465.44072 232.34350 -233.09723 -2.70947e-04 1.43422 5.69688
469500 469.50000 -478.52166 245.42514 -233.09652 -2.73957e-04 1.51497 5.01491
469600 469.60000 -469.00769 235.90985 -233.09784 -2.68307e-04 1.45623 5.64466
469700 469.70000 -476.27992 243.18354 -233.09637 -2.74603e-04 1.50113 5.34172
469800 469.80000 -461.91910 228.82734 -233.09176 -2.94382e-04 1.41251 5.68907
469900 469.90000 -469.00227 235.90429 -233.09798 -2.677^C
The final \& puts the simulation “in the background,” and returns the shell prompt to you. The tail -f command allows you to “watch” as the log file is written to. You can also verify that the job is running by issuing the “top” command, which displays in the terminal the a listing of processes using CPU, ranked by how intensively they are using the CPU. This command “takes over” your terminal to display continually updated information, until you hit Ctrl-C.

top - 13:43:27 up 4 days,  6:19,  0 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.45, 0.28
Tasks:  29 total,   2 running,  27 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 12.7 us,  0.0 sy,  0.0 ni, 83.3 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  4.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :  12608.9 total,  11169.1 free,    739.2 used,    700.7 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   4096.0 total,   4096.0 free,      0.0 used.  11616.8 avail Mem

14668 cfa       20   0    6652   1268   1116 R 100.0   0.0   0:02.83 mdlj
13073 cfa       20   0  863448  47256  28728 S   6.7   0.4   0:19.24 node
    1 root      20   0    1020    648    520 S   0.0   0.0   1:29.57 init
    8 root      20   0     888     76     16 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 init
    9 root      20   0     888     76     16 S   0.0   0.0   1:04.20 init
   10 cfa       20   0   10164   4980   3188 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.11 bash
  168 root      20   0     984    172     16 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 init

From the command line arguments shown above, we can see that this simulation run will produce 601 snapshots, beginning with $ t=0$ and outputting every 1000 steps. Each frame has 108 lines of 69 bytes each, plus another 30 for the header in each frame, so basically every frame is 7,482 bytes. With 601 of them, that is 4,496,682 bytes, or 4.2884 megabytes (1 megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes). We can confirm this calculation using the du (disk usage) command:

$ du -sh
Thirty years ago, one might have raised an eyebrow at this; nowadays, this is very nearly an insignificant amount of storage.